Brutto: zł13.76
(zł13.76 szt.)
Netto: 11.19 PLN
Price Guarantee
Due to the large number of orders, we have turned on the option of ordering the number of products above the available stock.
To pay for the purchase of a product in excess of its current status, we will provide you with:
- product reservation and guarantee,
- a guarantee of the price from the date of payment of the order.
Due to the large number of orders, we have turned on the option of ordering the number of products above the available stock.
To pay for the purchase of a product in excess of its current status, we will provide you with:
- product reservation and guarantee,
- a guarantee of the price from the date of payment of the order.
There is no other way to reserve products
ADAPTER DB15 socket / DB15 socket GENDER CHANGER
Adapter for connecting 2 cables or "gender change" male to female connector.
Product description
Product type Adapter D-SUB (9-pin) F / D-SUB (9-pin) F
Connector 1: D-SUB ( 9-pin 2-row) SOCKET Connector 2: D-SUB ( 9-pin 2-row) SOCKET REMARK:
The offer is valid for 1 piece. If the photos show several pieces, it is only for the purpose of better presentation.